A terrorist attack on a Mosque in Quebec (Canada) Sunday 29 january 2017, killed 6 people and injured eight people during the evening prayers. More than 50 people were in the Mosque at the time of the assault.

Canada’s prime minister Mr Justin Trudeau, reacted early on Monday (30 january) and said “We condemn this terrorist attack on Muslims in a center of worship and refuge,”.

Mr.Justin Trudeau said in the same statement. “It is heart-wrenching to see such senseless violence. Diversity is our strength, and religious tolerance is a value that we, as Canadians, hold dear.”

The canadian prime minister added : “Muslim-Canadians are an important part of our national fabric, and these senseless acts have no place in our communities, cities and country,” Mr.Trudeau said. “Canadian law enforcement agencies will protect the rights of all Canadians, and will make every effort to apprehend the perpetrators of this act and all acts of intolerance.”

Source: canadian newspapers

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