Mr. Abdellah Boussouf, Secretary General of the Council of the Moroccan Community living Abroad (CCME), took part in a symposium on the cultural integration of African immigrants and their image on Tuesday, September 12, 2017 in the city Khouribga where the 20th edition of the African Film Festival was held, in partnership with the General Delegation for « Prison and Re-integration »(DGAPR).
Mr Boussouf said that there is no single model of integration from which Morocco could draw inspiration because integration policies are influenced by historical, geographical, political, economic and social aspects.
The Secretary general, indicated that integration policies in Europe are characterized by two models: the French one centralized on the individual and the British one which focuses on the group.
Mr Boussouf declared that while migration in Europe was essentially an economic issue after the Second World War, without taking into account cultural, social and spiritual needs of this population, the Moroccan approach considers, takes into account the human dimension and solidarity of sub-Saharan migration. An approach based on the speeches of His Majesty the King. The Moroccan perspective is essentially based on the respect of human dignity and fundamental rights.
He also underlined the difference between Europe and Morocco and said Europe is symbolized by a cultural predominance considering the migrant as different, whereas Morocco is an African country whose components and branches are diverse, including the African tributary, with a combination between “the local” and “the branch”. But it does not mean that the issues of migration and integration involve challenges and dilemmas, because there is a need for political, social and moral determination to deal seriously on the migration issue. It also requires a high level of awareness among the host countries (State and society) and countries of emigration (migrants and Countries of origin), who should battle for a positive diversity and integration to prevent people to make choices that could threaten social peace.
Mr Boussouf, called all the parties to reject stereotypes and choose true spirituality which does only see the « other » as a human being.