From a poor family but rich in values, Latifa Ibn Ziaten tells with great emotion the tragedy that struck her when Mohamed Merah killed her son Imad, a military.

With her son by her side who read on this occasion excerpts from her book “Dead for France” and before an compasionate attendance, she told her story and revealed her desire to perpetuate the memory of her son Imad.

Her determination was behind the creation of ​​the “Imad for Youth and Peace” association which accompanies young people who live in disadvantaged neighborhoods, marginalized by the French society

To mourn her son, she went after Mohamed Merah (killed in the attacks) and discovered the life of a young man helpless, disoriented who poured into drugs and delinquency before adopting the radicalized approach to his life

“I forgive him because he had no one to guide him, becoming a murderer was the corollary of the neglect he has been living in”

With great emotion, she spoke of the indifference of her second country; “France turned its back on me so imagine my surprise when I saw that Morocco stepped up and offered to support me, I am eternally grateful “

She thanked in particular His Majesty King Mohammed VI for his assistance and the Council of the Moroccan Community Abroad for helping and inviting her to this great meeting of empathy and exchange.


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