The North American Network of Moroccan Experts in Aeronautics (EMAN Aerospace), Ibnou Zohr University (UIZ), the Council of the Moroccan Community Abroad (CCME) and the National Scientific and Technical Research Centre (CNRST) through the program “International Forum of Moroccan Skills Abroad” (FINCOME), are holding the 6th edition of the “SKILL-UP” Summer University in Aeronautics, taking place this year in Agadir at the Souss Massa Innovation City (24-29 June) and in Laayoune at the “École Supérieure de Technologie” (1-6 July) on the theme “Moroccan skills from here and elsewhere. Together we can help develop advanced aeronautical know-how in Morocco”.

The 20 experts involved in the network, most of them from major companies and leading research institutions in Canada, the United States, the United Arab Emirates, France and Morocco, will join with their colleagues in Agadir and Laâyoune to lead a program that includes 30 conferences, 11 workshops and 80 hours of mentoring and coaching for the benefit of students, teacher-researchers, engineers, technicians and company executives.

Activities will be bolstered by competitions in which practical competencies developed during the two weeks of the event will be used in simulated situations.

The initiative, which aims to bring together talents and skills from home and abroad in the spirit of engagement and commitment, is to contribute positively to the Kingdom’s dynamism in the field of aeronautics by providing a platform for exchanges between key players involved in the sector’s development, especially in the relevant regions.

The event is sponsored jointly by the EMAN Aerospace network, a non-for-profit organisation established under US law in the state of Alabama in 2019. As a reminder, the previous editions took place in Fez (2019 – 2022), Rabat (2020 – 2021) and Tangiers and Tetouan (2023).


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