The Council of the Moroccan Community Abroad (CCME) and the moroccan second Chamber, organize an international symposium called : “Moroccans of the world and the advanced regionalization” on 27 and 28 July 2016 in Rabat in the Assembly.

The aims of the gathering are : easing the understanding of the regions in the integration of migration into local development policies and highlight the role of  the Moroccans living abroad in the improvement of their origin.

The two-day meeting will focus on three issues: the duty of local and regional authorities on migration issues; Moroccans living abroad and the dues of the territories in connection with the departments, national and regional institutions involved in the migration issue of advanced regionalization and the rights of the Moroccans abroad.  The meeting will also try to strenghthen their cultural and economic ties for the evolution of their region.

Participants from France, Belgium, Italy, Spain, the Netherlands, Germany, Senegal and Morocco are expected at the meeting. Prime secretaries of moroccan political parties, councilors and elected representatives, institutional and civil society should also take part to the encounter.


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