The Council of the Moroccan Community Abroad (CCME) organized, on Saturday 17 September 2022, a meeting about ” good governance in the management of water resources: what policies and measures to deal with the water shortage and climate change? This event is part of a consultation series with Moroccan experts in the field of water, climate change and renewable energy.

Intervening in this round table, Mr. Abdellah Boussouf, Secretary General of the CCME, said that as part of a participatory approach, the council operates as a platform for interacting with different parties, from Morocco and abroad, in various fields related to the country’s development.

An approach that echoes the desire of the State to involve global Moroccans in every process of development, as affirmed in the Royal Address on 20 August 2022, in which His Majesty stressed “the need to establish an ongoing structural relationship with Moroccan skills abroad”.

“Bringing together national and international experts on water resources management is crucial because these resources are at the heart of the migration issue, since their scarcity implies the absence of several vital aspects and necessarily translates into a migration towards a more prosperous region,” explains Mr. Boussouf, who refers to the World Bank’s Groundswell report predicting 243 million climate refugees by 2050.

The CCME previously held an international symposium on climate change in November 2016 under the label of COP 22, and is planning to organize an international conference highlighting the policy recommendations of a series of climate change and water resources consultations.

The round table discussion, led by Mr. Mohamed Bensaleh, professor and researcher at CCME, saw the participation of several Moroccan experts from Morocco and abroad including Dr. Hammou Lamrani, a doctor in environmental and environmental management from the University of Copenhagen and a senior consultant with the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA) in Lebanon, Ms. Houria Tazi Sadeq, lawyer and member of the “Alliance Marocaine pour l’Eau”, Mr. Jaouad El Kharraz and the executive director of the Regional Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Centre (RCREEE) in Cairo.



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