London (Prensa Latina) British Prime Minister David Cameron, today analyze topics related to immigration in the European Union (EU), the Ukrainian crisis and the next G-7 summit with the German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, visiting this capital.

Cameron insists in demanding the leadership of the EU more prerogatives of Member countries of the bloc to decide on immigration policy and on the free flow of citizens in the region.

The head of the British government calls for the return some powers to his country on immigration and justice that are now controlled by the Community entity.

A few days ago, Cameron threatened to bring forward a referendum planned so far for mid-2017 about the staying or leaving of the United Kingdom of that block.

As May 7 elections approach, the Eurosceptic and anti-immigrant UK Independence Party (UKIP) intensifies its campaign, whose support grows at the expense of former voters of the ruling Conservative Party.

However, Merkel is reluctant to any prejudice to the free flow of people within the EU, according to the local press.

Cameron and Merkel agenda also includes the crisis in Ukraine, where in February, a right-wing government was installed after a coup, backed by neo-fascist paramilitaries.

The armed forces of the new administration launched an offensive last April against insurgent population in the Ukrainian southeast, with preliminary balance of more than 4,200 deaths.

Another topic on the agenda of the bilateral meeting is related to the preparation of the summit of the Group of the seven most industrialized nations, on June 7 and 8 this year in Bavaria.

Russia will be absent in the meeting at the highest level in the southern German state, after being separated from that exclusive club, after the position it assumed at the Ukrainian crisis.

Moscow refused to recognize the coup government and supports the sovereignty of the Crimea Peninsula and the cause of the population revolted in Lugansk and Donetsk regions

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