London has a new mayor: Sadiq Khan, 45, a child of a Muslim Pakistani immigrant, member of the Labour Party (New Labour), has sworn in Saturday, May 7, 2016, at the Cathedral of Soutwark the British capital after his election without any surprise the day before.
The election of Sadiq Khan who defeated the Conservative mayor Boris Johnson, has become an international media event , because Mr.Sadiq Khan is only presented as the first mayor “of a Western Muslim capital.”
But in reality this election is hardly a surprise since the new mayor is a seasoned politician, very influenced Gordon Brown, the man behind the New Labour (with Tony Blair), and alongside the corridors of power in Britain for several years.
Sadiq Khan son of Pakistani bus driver, is a former lawyer and minister, born poor in the famous suburb of Tooting. He is now the Mayor of a city whose population grew 900.0000 inhabitants in eight years.