In partnership with Al-Hasaniya Moroccan women centre, the CCME held a prestigious
event titled the dialogue of friendship, at the heart of British democracy, the House of Lords on the 6th September 2017.
Souad Talsi MBE, founder of the the only UK Moroccan women centre which has now been bestowed with the esteemed special consultative status with the UN, organised this memorable event with Baroness Falkner of Margravine.
The occasion was to remember those who perished on the night of the tragic Grenfell fire and indeed to cement the cultural heritage our nation holds and that is of friendship, co-existence and harmonious living.
Peers from the House of Lords, MPs and representatives of various diplomatic missions in the UK attended this special occasion, including embassy of Germany, Netherlands, Canada, Kuwait, UAE and indeed Denmark.
In her conclusion speech Souad Talsi MBE stressed on social justice and education if we are to achieve civic responsibility and rights.
Souad Talsi MBE CCME appointed member for the UK
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