The Moroccan Jewish community of the United Kingdom celebrated for the first time, on July 6th 2017, the Mimouna, symbol of the coexistence between Jews and Muslims in Morocco.
Sponsored by the Council of the Moroccan Community Abroad (CCME), the Association Al Hasaniya, the World Federation of Moroccan Judaism and the support of the Moroccan National Tourist Office (ONMT), this unprecedented meeting gatherered Jews and Muslims in a large hall in London, remembering the historical Jewish-Muslim coexistence in numerous cities of the Kingdom where tolerance, mutual respect and attachment to Traditions where the print of Moroccan society.
The evening, which was notably attended by MP Mattew Offord, was an opportunity to celebrate the moroccan-Jewish culture, which was marked by the sharing and living together and the harmonious relationship maintained by the two communities. Moroccan music based on music and songs performed by Mustapha Bahja group which brings together musicians Jews and Muslims.
The Moroccan Jewish community of Great britain took this opportunity to reiterate its strong attachment to its Moroccan origins and the constants of the Nation.
Before the feast, the guests gathered in the only Moroccan Synagogue in the UK, the Yocef Porat Synagogue established in1988 together to celebrate the moroccan-jewish common heritage and honour the long loyal serving member of the Jewish community Mr Sydney Assor.
The event will also hold a prayer and a minute silence to honour the victims of Grenfell tower.
« This community event promises to attract high calibre politicians and dignatories from the British parliament. Over 250 are expected. Moroccan musicians both muslim and Jewish from Paris and London are joining »announced the organizers before the event adding : » In a time where there is so much negative media and press on terrorism, this event will attempt to show that we can co- exist as our fore fathers have in Morocco for centuries and generations continue to do so todate ».