The Council of the Moroccan Community living Abroad (CCME) takes part to the exhibition ” Morocco, in an instant” organized by Casa Arabe and the Spanish Agency for International Cooperation and Development (AECID) in Madrid, from June 7 to September 23, 2018, at the foundation. The Council’s purpose is to strengthen the artistic creation of Moroccans living abroad and bolster the Moroccan culture in international events.
Nine Moroccan artists living in Morocco and abroad take part to this exhibition : Yoriyas Yassine Alaoui from the city of Casablanca, whose photos express his love for his city and its design of buildings, Abdelhamid Belahmidi, Yasmine Hatimi and Deborah Benzaquen, whose photographies represent the social dynamism of young Moroccans, while the pictures of Mehdi Maryouch are focused on the suffering of mine workers and the difficulties of their daily life. Abderrahmane Merzouk’s works, illustrate natural landscapes.
Other Moroccan artists living abroad will take part to this event : Nadia Khellouki, born in France and her personal vision of her country of origin, Imane Djamil, from Paris, whose pictures are focused on the summer vacation atmosphere in Moroccan cities and M’hammed Kilito, from Canada, who focuses his work on political and social issues in Morocco.
” Morocco, in an Instant” is part of the 20th edition of the international festival of photography and visual arts “Photo España”, one of the most important artistic events in Spain.