The second session of Thursday, November 15, 2018 was dedicated to the offering of 15 personal projects by the guests at the meeting.

The aim of this meeting under the title “Moroccan Jews: force of proposal – mobilization force”, let on the guests to present projects or  make recommendations able to perpetuate our identity and reinforce the links between  Morocco and its diasporas.

The Psychoanalyst and Member of the Council of the Moroccan Community living Abroad (CCME), Mr. Paul Dahan presented the project of an exhibition labeled “the other is me” and whose ambition is to focus on the coexistence between Jews and Muslims.

“Through my documentary work I underline the importance of memory in the lives of all of us,” said Dahan adding that his research is a therapy for anyone who has experienced the process of migration.

“More than 5 million Moroccans live abroad and find in them gaps to fill in order to understand oneself,” he said. “This work is to re-appropriate our Morocco, our history, our indentity”

Mr. Dahan has organized twenty exhibitions around the world that have captivated nearly 200,000 visitors. He collects thousands of objects and manuscripts in all the languages which prove that “Judaism is not apart but is part of this complexity which enriches Morocco and which is a question of preserving it”.

He was thankful to the CCME, which “always believed in my projects and the need to rehabilitate Jewish-Muslim history” and presented to the public the traveling exhibition “Morocco and Europe, six centuries in the history of look at each other “produced by the CCME and the Center for Jewish-Moroccan Culture (CCJM).

The session also featured the participation of Laurent Abraham, businessman and community leader in Montreal. He presented the project to build a platform of advanced medical laboratories in North America, in Europe but especially in Morocco.

Laurent Abraham wants to create centers of excellence specialized in the treatment of cancer by proton therapy that exists only in the United States.

Associative actor, Laurent Abraham also wants to develop the structures of the Jewish Community Talmudic School in Canada to reach a capacity of 800 students within 5 years.

“90% of our students are from Morocco, I would like to connect them to their country of origin to rediscover it”.

Another highlight of this session is Abensour, a student in Jerusalem who would like to develop a research platform for the junction of Jewish and Muslim cultures and theologies.

“It’s not just the folklore and the music we have in common, at one point in history we’ve also shared science and culture in its broadest sense”, inviting us to carry out a research project to “share the work that has been done at the level of Jewish theology and compare it to Muslim theology for a better understanding of the other”.

For her part, Ms. Najat Azmy, member of the CCME, presented the project of a platform for dialogue and sharing between Jews and Muslims of Moroccan origin in France.

Within the association “The bridges of knowledge”, “Jews and Moroccan Muslims will promote the Moroccan model of living together, to Europeans “.

A sharing of experiences to bring into life the links with our rich and plural history in order to “stand up against the violence as had called His Majesty King Mohammed VI in his speech of August 20, 2016”.

For his part, Rabbi Michel Serfaty, who also runs a project to promote the Moroccan model of living together, first highlighted the obstacles to the construction of the Jewish-Muslim friendship.

“The ministers of education, associations and radical Islam are for their actions the reasons or at least the obstacles of this hatred of the Muslim who has not yet a name and the hatred of the Jews called anti-Semitism “.

It therefore calls for actions organized in three parts: the enroliment and training of Muslims in the districts of France to promote the Moroccan exception of coexistence, the establishment  of a journal of the jewish-Muslim dialogue and the creation in France through the Moroccan house in Paris to a Jewish-Muslim dialogue center in the spirit of the Moroccan exception “.

HE Serge Berdugo, Secretary General of the Council of Israelite Communities of Morocco,  presented for his part the new version of the website ““.

“This is a website based on a cd-rom that was produced in 1997 in Canada by a team of 140 persons led by Yolande Cohen”.

Funded by Edmond Safra, the CD-ROM the website is acutely complete: “documents, videos, music and content directly addressed to young people whether Moroccan, Jewish or Muslim”. The architecture of the site under construction was exposed by George Sebat, head of audiovisual at the Moroccan Jewish Culture Foundation. It will include the history of Moroccan cities and a map of cemeteries and holy places. 


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