The Council of the Moroccan Community Abroad (CCME) organizes in partnership with the Council of the Jewish Communities of Morocco (CCIM), a meeting under the theme: “Moroccan Judaism: for a shared being Moroccanity” from November 13 to 18, 2018 in Marrakech, under the High Patronage of HM King Mohammed VI.

“Beyond the nostalgia and memory, the ability to meet, dialogue and think together Morocco, we must bolster what makes us unique. We must make of Morocco a sphere of ambitions and not a simple glasshouse of a common memory”, wrote in a joint statement”, Mr.Berdugo (CCIM) and Mr. Abdellah Boussouf (CCME). 

The meeting, which brings together nearly 250 Moroccans belonging to the jewish religion, living in Morocco and abroad, aspires to praise this Moroccan exception, and deepen the thinking on questions related to what being Moroccan means.

These existential questions will concern in particular those related to identity: “How to be Moroccan in the 21st century when one lives far from one’s native land or origin? “. Several other questions raise the issue of the specificity of Morocco and what it can bring to host countries and lastly, how to promote it. Another central question: can Moroccan communities abroad create a gateway to build up relations between home and host countries?

On the sidelines of this unprecedented event, two exhibitions on the theme: “Portraits of Moroccan Jews from the Atlas and the Sahara” by Elias Harrus, organized by the Ministry of Culture and Communication and “Synagogues and Moroccan Jewish cemeteries rehabilitated By the Museum of Moroccan Judaism.

The documentary “Yahssra … Douk Lyam”, directed by MM. Serge Berdugo and Marc Berdugo will also be screened.

This meeting is organized in collaboration with the Ministry of Culture and Communication, the Judeo-Moroccan Heritage Foundation, the Museum of Moroccan Judaism, the Association of Friends of the Museum of Moroccan Judaism and the “Alliance Israélite Universelle”.


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