Al-Hassanya Moroccan Women’s Center in the UK co-founded by Mrs Talsi, member of the Council of the Moroccan Communitity living Abroad (CCME) in the UK, brought an abducted child back to his grieving mother from Great Britain to Morocco end of last week.
The little boy, Saif, (3 years old) was abducted by his british-pakistani father for months. Fatima Zahra, the grieving mother asked for help and got in touch with Al-Hasaniya Moroccan Women’s Center for Arabic Speaking Women, that supports women in difficulty in Great-Britain, to recover her son.
“We could not sit rambling when a child is separated from his mother and taken away from his environment,” says Mrs Souad Talsi to the online Moroccan french speaking paper « Le360 ».
The reaction was immediate, Mrs Souad Talsi took a flight to Marrakech in September to meet Fatima Zahra. On her return she took all the pieces of evidence brought together by the members of the center, especially, with the help of Mrs El-Ogbani the legal assistant at the Al-Hassaniya UK who took in charge the trial-related aspects and presented the case to the High Court.
Mrs Talsi said to the online paper the evidences showed « that Fatima Zahra was not the one whose husband said so much to the judges in an attempt to justify the abduction of the child ».
On november 8, the judges agree with the complainant, ordering the father to return the child to his mother. Last week The Child was brought back to his mother accompanied by Mrs Talsi.
The CCME official said she was convinced that all this drama came from the fact that the husband wanted a boy after having already had three daughters.
With « le360 »