The Council of the Moroccan community abroad (CCME) recieved the 30th September 2015 in Rabat, a French delegation from the city of Strasbourg. The two parties discussed essentially about interfaith and cross-cultural dialogue.

 Mr Abdellah Boussouf, general secretary of the Council raised some of the most relevant questions of this era. He spoke about the importance of better knowing the real person behind a culture or a religion and not the imaginary one. He said that “religious pluralism is culturally moroccan and added that  the common goal of  humanity should be  the struggle against ignorance”.


“The moroccan way of life is based on the respect of other religions and  the living together” said Mr Boussouf insisting on the fact that islam a model and way of life and not a project of death”. 

Mr Boussouf also answered to several questions about Moroccans living abroad, dual citizenship and identity tensions.

The French delegation is traveling in Morocco for ten days in a journey of human and cultural diversity .


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