The (CCME) organized, a round table on « the culture of origin in the writing of the Moroccans living abroad ».

The meeting gathered the writer-journalist Mohamed Ahroba (Allemagne), the novelist  Rachid Santaki (France), M.Mohamed Dahiri , professor and writer (Espagne) the French-Moroccan writer, Ms Hamisultane Maï-Do and the writer and journalist journaliste Maati Kabbal.

The main idea of this meeting was how being a migrant can be a source of inspiration. The first intervention of the writer Mohamed Dahiri was a synthesis of the various other speeches.  

Mr Dahiri said migration has always been a source of inspiration for the writers”: “the most important writers in the arab world have fund ressources in migration and exile. 

For his part, Mr Mohamed Aroba spoke about the importance of the foreigner in the vision of the authors .

For the psychiatric, Mrs Hamisultane Maï-Do, the fact of being Moroccan is a source of inspiration. 

Mr. Rachid Santaki spoke about the importance of the suburb in his writing. “Writing about my suburb, Seine Saint-Denis (Paris) was a way to get out of my isolation ». 

 CCME (Summary)

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