The Moroccan Association for Historical Research (AMRH) organizes in partnership with the Council for the Moroccan Community living Abroad (CCME) and the university and human sciences in Rabat from 27 to 29 October 2016 in the National Library of the Kingdom of Morocco (BNRM), its 23rd national days under under the theme « the Moroccan model of living together and the embracement of diversity»

The meeting will try to answer to 4 main questions : “Moroccans from Morocco and Abroad: origins and  management of diversity”, “the laws and customs in regard of the difference”, “How Moroccans manage the difference in the political and social fields “and lastly ” the the  management of culture and events in the Moroccan social representations “.

The National Days of the AMRH concur this year with the 40th anniversary of the association.


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