A delegation of students and researchers from the Francisco de Vitoria University of International Relations and Journalism in Madrid visited the Council of the Moroccan Community Living Abroad (CCME) Thursday, January 18, 2018 in Rabat.
Mr. Mustapha El Mourabit, who headed the meeting for the CCME, explained the objectives of the Council and the various issues related to Moroccan migration on which the CCME has been working since its constitution in 2007.
He emphasized the importance of coordinating the efforts of the different parties to strengthen intercultural and interreligious dialogue with the goal to open new horizons and deepening the debate around these issues. He also called immigrant communities, especially the Muslim Muslim ones, to participate in the dynamics of host societies with the desire of encouraging values of acceptance and coexistence.
Mr. El Mourabit said that the cooperation between the religions and the cultures tends to reinforce the society and a better future for all. He added that the presence of the Muslims in Europe is a chance to seize.
The visit of the delegation, is initiated by MM. Larbi El Harti, President of the Association for Intercultural Citizenship Academic Action (APAIUC) and Florentino Portero, founder of the Center for Strategic Studies at the University of Francisco de Vitoria. It is part of an academic program between the University Mohammed V in Rabat and Francisco de Vitoria University in Madrid.