Spain’s Secretary of State for Migration, Pilar Cancela Rodriguez hailed on Wednesday 04 December 2024 the “close cooperation” with Morocco in managing migration flows.

Speaking at a press conference to outline the recently-approved reform of Spain’s immigration law, Rodriguez highlighted the strong relations between the two countries, based on historical, cultural and neighborly ties, and their “exemplary” cooperation in managing human mobility.

The Spanish official noted that Morocco and Spain are working closely on circular and orderly migration projects, adding that both parties are determined to pursue their efforts along this path. “Joint efforts of the two countries are part of this momentum,” she said. She also pointed out that this cooperation model is mutually beneficial, stressing the need to continue this collaboration in the future to manage migratory flows more effectively.

The Spanish official emphasized the importance of regular meetings of the Moroccan-Spanish Permanent Joint Migration Group, which assesses the progress made in managing migratory flows where Morocco plays “a key role”. La responsable espagnole a rappelé, dans ce cadre, l’importance des réunions régulières du Groupe migratoire mixte permanent maroco-espagnol, qui permettent d’évaluer les avancées réalisées en matière de gestion des flux migratoires, un domaine où le Maroc joue, selon elle, « un rôle clé ».


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