“Promoting the integration of foreign migrants in Morocco”, the new project funded by the European Union to support the migration policy of Morocco. A joint statement for its official launch was signed between the Minister for Moroccans Living Abroad and Migration Affairs, Anis Birou and the European Commissioner responsible for migration, Home Affairs and Citizenship Dimitris Avramopoulos, currently visiting the Kingdom.

This project, worth 10 million Euros, is part of the partnership for the EU-Morocco mobility, to support national immigration and asylum policy of Morocco.

The program will in particular support the development of a device for medical coverage of regularized migrants, the implementation of measures to promote access and integration of migrant children to the Moroccan public schools and strengthening the Department’s capacity for piloting and implementation of national immigration and asylum strategy.

It also provides support for two pilot projects with civil society organizations, the first titled “Road to Insertion” targeting the support of at least 1,500 migrants to vocational training and employment or the creation of income generating activities, while strengthening the capacity of targeted public institutions and civil society.

The second project “Tamkine migrants” is set to improve the medical, social and psychological care of at least 1,500 migrant women in vulnerable conditions (especially pregnant migrant women with a baby or victims of violence) while strengthening the capacity of targeted public institutions and civil society.

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