The Council of the Moroccan Community Abroad (CCME) and the Paris based  International Forum of Migrant Solidarity Organizations (FORIM), signed the 5th january 2017 in Paris, a three year partnership ( 2017-2019) which intends to « grant the actions of the Moroccan diaspora » reports  a communiqué.

« The two parties have decided to work together on every migrant issue. Their ultimate goal  is to strengthen the contributions of the Moroccans living abroad, fight poverty  and promote  Morocco through local development projects, but also through their know-how skills and talents ».

While diasporas are are more and more  recognized as major actors in the political, social and cultural life of their countries of origin and host countries, the CCME and FORIM strongly reaffirm, through this partnership, their commitment to strengthening the ties between the Moroccan diaspora living in France and their countries of origin.

The communiqué says that « the FORIM and the CCME will support Moroccan migrant associations in their projects for their contribution to the development of Morocco within the framework of the OSIM Project Support Program (PRA / OSIM).

« The partnership between the CCME and FORIM is an important framework  to assemble the Moroccan diasporas by  giving them the necessary means and create supportive conditions for the economic, social and cultural development of Morocco and and France » asserts the communiqué.

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