A delegation of Tunisian institutions in charge of mobility, migration and development held a meeting at the the Council of the Moroccan Community Living Abroad (CCME) on Thursday 5 October 2017, in Rabat.

Co-organized with the Ministry in charge of Moroccans living abroad and migration affairs, the objective of the meeting was to promote the character of dialogue and cooperation between Morocco and Tunisia on migration issues.
Speaking at this meeting, MM. Aziz Rifki and Abdellatif Maaroufi, CCME delegates, presented to the members of the delegation the dues of the Council and  explained its  missions as a prospective institution as stipulated in article 163 of the 2011 Constitution.

Tunisian Delegation 3
The CCME’s delegates explained the various activities held by the CCME since its establishment in 2007. They also enumerated the CCME’s publications – practically hundred-and heir diversity.  This visit takes place within the scheme of the application of Partnerships for Mobility between the European Union, Morocco , the Sharaka project and the Tunisian Lemma, carried out by the Expertise of France – by delegation- of the European Union, which backs the public authorities in the governance of migration issues.

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