The role to be played by the expatriate Moroccan youth in the development and growth of its country of origin has been the focus of a panel discussion held as part of the 2nd edition of the Meeting of Moroccan Youth (RJM) open Friday night in Montreal, with several Moroccan officials.

Organized by the Embassy of the Kingdom of Morocco to Canada and the Canada-Morocco Association Alliance in collaboration with several associations and institutions, under the “youth movement” theme, the event aims not only to be a platform for exchange between generation of young Moroccans in North America and Moroccan decision makers, but also a space for reflection on political, social and economic challenges facing the Kingdom.

Speaking on this occasion, the Minister of Housing and Urban Policy, Nabil Benabdallah emphasized the importance of this meeting and discussed the relevance of the topic, while focusing on the need for the active participation of young Moroccans residing abroad, including Canada, by adhering to the socio-economic development process of 15 years under the reign of King Mohammed VI.

In this sense, Mr. Benabdallah recalled that Morocco has succeeded in a very difficult environment marked by the upheavals of the Arab Spring, to consolidate political stability and achieve remarquable steps towards the all-round development, with many reform projects launched under the leadership of HM King in different areas, to bring into reality the aspirations of the people, inviting young people in the diaspora to join this virtuous cycle driven by the Sovereign, to participate in the consolidation of a democratic society and building their country and to invest with their knowledge and expertise in human development projects in Morocco.

In regards to the disaffection of young people and their lack of involvement in politics, Mr. Benabdallah stressed the need for their effective contribution to meet the challenges of today and tomorrow which contemporary Morocco is called upon to face, to enable the country to place high along with the most developed and advanced nations.

For his part, the Minister of Higher Education, Scientific Research and staff training, Mr. Lahcen Daoudi said that young Moroccans residing abroad, including Canada, are a vital asset to their country as they represent a considerable potential of highly qualified skills and are full of energy and always proud of their Moroccan talents, highlighting their continued commitment to the Motherland and their mobilization to contribute to mutations that the country knows in different sectors.

Referring to the end of students’ problems related to expatriates equivalence and recognition of degrees obtained from universities and schools in Canada, Mr. Daoudi also said that huge efforts are being made to make Morocco a “hub university “in the region, through the opening of Moroccan universities and higher education institutions to universities worldwide and the conclusion of promising partnerships for the promotion of education, innovation and scientific research.

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