Karim Adduchi decided to honor in his newest collection the Amazigh cultural heritage. This designer, who grew up in Barcelona and studied fashion in Amsterdam, claims his Berber origins are what inspire him to transform traditional Berber carpets and materials into clothing.

Entitled “She knows why the caged bird sings in” the collection of Karim Adduchi turns traditional Berber carpets into clothes presented in several sections. “My intention with this collection was to pay tribute to my culture,” says the designer. He explains, “For this, I brought the original materials handmade by the tribes from which I come.”

Carpets, wool, leather, these materials embedded in clothing, are made of natural fibers intertwined or woven to produce a fabric that Amazigh people use to design their traditional clothing but also for carpets to furnish their homes. These techniques are still practiced by the Berber communities and are increasingly reproduced by the industry.

Choosing to order natural materials, the designer wishes to tell the story of women that inspired him: his mother and grandmother. “

Karim Adduchi went to the Netherlands in 2010 where he began at the Gerrit Rietveld Academy in Amsterdam, fashion studies. Today, settled in the Dutch capital where fashion is influenced by the major European capitals, he devotes himself to the promotion of the cultural heritage of his origins.

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