The Arab-American Cultural and Community Center (ACC) and the Council of the Moroccan Community Abroad (CCME) celebrated, Saturday, Oct. 11, 2014 in Houston, the 21st anniversary of the ACC with the presence of diplomats and various Moroccan figures in the USA.
In a speech sent to the participants, Mr. Abdellah Boussouf, General Secretary of CCME, said he was “pleased with the choice of honoring Morocco and its diversity at this event.” He further stated that “undertaking cultural activities, as does the ACC, is a strategic choice to build tolerant and societies open to differences.”
Mohamed Benabdeljalil, General Consul of Morocco in New York, for his part, said that “this event is an opportunity to reveal the values of tolerance and openness intimately linked to the Moroccan identity.”
In an interview with the online newspaper Hespress, Mr. Benabdeljalil noted that “the United States has about 300,000 Moroccans, including nearly 30,000 in Florida and 24,000 in New York.
He further outlined the services offered by the Moroccan Consulate in New York to the Moroccans of the 48 states “We have launched decentralized consulates in several states to be closer to the citizens. In 2013 we covered Houston, Orlando, Chicago and Los Angeles. Moroccans living in Washington DC, Virginia and Maryland can address their requests directly to the Consulate of Morocco in Washington. “
On the occasion, Moroccan artist Saida Sharaf performed live for the audience. Moreover fashion show displaying the Moroccan traditional couture was held as well and an exhibition of the traditional Moroccan handicraft