A survey published Friday, November 28 by the INSEE (the French Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies) profiles the newly Moroccan immigrants in France in four key figures.
7% of immigrants entering France are Moroccans
Of the 230,000 immigrants who arrived in France in 2012, 7% come from Morocco and 56% of those are women. The numbers are the same for Algeria. Meanwhile, Tunisians represent 3% of immigrants in France.
Between 2009 and 2012, the Institute for Statistics noted a slight increase in the number of immigrants from Africa (1% per year on average). This increase was driven primarily by the Moroccan and Tunisian immigrants inputs (+ 2.4% and + 2.9% per year). On the contrary, those from Algeria have decreased (-2.6% per year).
50% of Moroccans immigrants arrived between 19 and 35
If immigrants already living in France are on average 45 years old, the new arrivals in 2012 are much younger: the average age is 28 years. Concerning immigrants from Morocco, 50% of those who arrived in 2012 were aged between 19 and 35 years. 25% were under 19 when they arrived, and 25% over 35 years.
23% of Moroccan immigrants are graduates of higher education
INSEE indicates that newcomers are more educated. And African immigrants seem to be behind this tendency. “The share of graduates increases by 5 points for the Moroccans and by 4 points for Tunisians.
Among immigrants from Morocco, they are 35% to have no degree, 10% to have a secondary school certificate, CAP or BEP and 32% to have a bachelor’s degree while 23% have graduated from college.
44% of Moroccan immigrant men have a job
The investigation finally states that 44% of Moroccan men entered France in 2012 revealed to be employed in early 2013. Women, however, who came to France in the same period, have more difficulty finding employment: among Moroccan women arrivals in France in 2012, only 13% are employed in the following year.
Click here for a preview of the survey
With huffpostmaghreb.com