The Council of the Moroccan Community living Abroad (CCME) organized Sunday, February 10, 2019 a round table on the plurality on the language creativity of the o Moroccan writers living abroad. Participated to this round table : Ms Nadia Dala (Belgium), Ms Esther Bendahan (Spain), Ms Intissar Haddiya (Morocco), Mr Kamal Benkirane (Canada), and Majid Blal (Canada). The meeting was moderated by Mina Rhouch, a CCME member.

For Ms Intissar Haddiya, nephrologist and writer, the loss of the natal tongue has an impact on the culture of origin. She explained that identity and  writing stories in the fist language are essential. But the writing in a foreign language can also be useful since it “allows to have more distance and freedom with the words. “Linguistic immigration is a source of wealth”, she concluded. 

Mr Majid Blal, said for his part, that the writer in immigration protects the memory, because “writing is a form of  awareness of the choice of words used”.

“All writers in a foreign language are mediators because they bring cultures together” says Mr Blal. 

Mr Kamal Benkirane makes the difference between inter culturally and multiculturalism in Canada: “inter culturally grants cultures to coexist, though multiculturalism is recognizing that the Canadian identity is a mix of identities and cultures that create the society “.

Ms Esther Bendahan, said for her part, that « the Sephardic community is an example of the Moroccan living together ». She says, her writing is made of a plural culture “Moroccan, Spanish and Jewish Sephardic”.

Ms Bendahan explains that the Spanish language she speaks in her community is a “language of exile, where a Moroccan Hebrew culture of the north of the country takes shape”. She adds that “a language undergoes changes and mutations because it defines identities. 

Ms Nadia Dala, for her part, says « discovering foreign languages means having access to the nuance of other cultures. She talked about the « free nature of language »: “language and literature are free from any pressure and reveal universal stories” she said.

Ms Dala explains that “literature is boundless and can be translated into many languages”. Discovering a language is having access to the finesse of different cultures”.


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