Mohamed Cheikh Biadillah, Prseident of the Chamber of Advisors received Saturday, December 20, 2014 in Rabat, a group of young Moroccan professionals established in France.

“Biadillah gave an overview of the Moroccan democratic experience and highlighted the democratic development model to which the Kingdom is committed under the leadership of HM King Mohammed VI,” reads a statement released by the Chamber on the occasion

He also noted the strategic position of the Kingdom, its role as a link between the north and south of the Mediterranean, stressing that Morocco also plays a key role in maintaining peace and security in the world, the consecration of human rights, the rapprochement between the monotheistic religions, and the promotion of dialogue among  various civilizations

Biadillah, also spoke of the importance of the Moroccan bicameral parliamentary system, parliamentary diplomacy and the role of the House of Advisors in legislative matters, control of government action and evaluation of public policies, within the powers provided for in the 2011 Constitution.

For their part, the young Moroccan professionals established in France have expressed interest in the Moroccan-French relations, the issue of representativeness of Moroccans of the world in Parliament and their contribution to socio-economic development of the Kingdom.

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