Moroccan nationals living in Nancy (French city) were excited by the administrative services of proximity, thanks to the efforts of a unity of the Consulate General of Strasbourg, which moved Saturday to their city.

Indeed, during the day, Moroccan nationals have benefited from a wide range of administrative services, including encompassing civil records, passports and applying for ID cards.

This mobile consulate unity in Nancy is the first operation of a process of local services for the members of the Moroccan community to cover, by the advent of Ramadan, various locations of the Strasbourg’s Moroccan consular district that includes Alsace, Lorraine and Belfort.

This day was also marked by an exchange between Morocco’s Consul General in Strasbourg, responsible for relations with the Council of Europe, Mohamed Arrouchi and members of the Moroccan community based in Nancy, in light of the cultural days organized by the information website Maglor led by young Moroccans.

In his speech, Mr Arrouchi took the opportunity to commend the strong links that tie Moroccan expats to their homeland and its values, highlighting the commitment of consular services to improve the services it provides.

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