Morocco, faithful to a long-standing tradition of moderation and religious tolerance, is a country where coexistence of religions is a reality, writes the Vatican daily Osservatore Romano.

Moderate Islam, open to religious tolerance and respect for human rights, is indeed a reality as evidenced by the Moroccan model and the daily life in the country,” said the author, noting that the “civilized cohabitation” of different religions in the Kingdom is “the result of a long-standing tradition.”

Morocco is “the only Arab country where a Jewish museum exists (in Casablanca) and mosques, churches and synagogues are found side by side,” the Vatican paper adds, noting that it is a reminder of the peaceful coexistence of the three religions.

In an article entitled “Muslims, Christians and Jews in Morocco: where coexistence is a reality,” the author highlights the cohabitation of the three religious communities in Morocco throughout history, noting particularly that the Jewish community exists in the Kingdom since the destruction of the Jerusalem temple in 70 AD.

“The two communities have ever since lived in Morocco and contributed to the rise of Al Andalous, Osservatore Romano writes, noting that “it is no coincidence that the King of Morocco holds the title of Commander of the Faithful, a term used to include Muslims, Christians and Jews.”

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