King Mohammed VI instructed his older sister, Princess Lalla Meriem to procede to the decoration of three representatives of the monotheistic religions at the Institute of the Arab world in Paris, France.
Indeed, the King of Morocco has decided to offer three royal wissams to French religious, a Muslim, a Jew and a Christian, who also happen to be natives of Morocco.
The insignia of Wissam Al Arch of 3-d class (officer) were presented by HRH Princess Lalla Meryem in the Arab World Institute (IMA) to Mr. Khalil Merroun, rector of the Grand Mosque of Evry, Michel Serfaty, rabbi of Ris and Michel Dubost, bishop of Evry.
French Prime Minister Manuel Valls, who was in attendance, expressed his gratitude to His Majesty King Mohammed VI. “I wanted to attend this decoration. It is a great pride because of fanaticism and ignorance, the true answer is culture and tolerance,”.
He further added “This is a beautiful symbol that this ceremony is taking place today, when we know that a new era of relations between our two countries is being built”, welcomed the French Prime Minister.
The decoration ceremony took place in the presence of the President of the IMA, Jack Lang, the Minister of Endowments and Islamic Affairs, Ahmed Toufiq, Secretary General of the Council of Jewish Communities of Morocco and Ambassador of HM the King Serge Berdugo, Ambassador of Morocco in France, Chakib Benmoussa, and representatives of the three monotheistic religions.
With MDN