Rabat Map-Morocco’s minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation Salaheddine Mezouar launched Friday in Rabat his department’s new strategy aimed at enhancing the performance and services of the Kingdom’s consulates worldwide.

Speaking on this occasion, Mezouar said this “promising” strategy requires full commitment of all Moroccan consulates, noting that the objectives of new strategy are in line with the new Constitution which granted a privileged place to Moroccans overseas.

The assessment conducted during this year brought forward the need for the consulates to adapt their mission to the demands of Moroccans abroad and to the challenges they face through simplifying procedures and enhancing consular services as well as defending the interests of Moroccan nationals in their host country, he noted.

The ministry of foreign affairs will ensure the implementation of this new strategy to make sure Moroccan consulates meet the expectations of HM the King, the provisions of the constitution and expectations of Moroccan nationals abroad, Mezouar noted.

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