The CCME’s programme at the 27th edition of the SIEL was launched on Friday 3 June 2022 from the Council’s stand.
The opening conference on the theme “Africa in the light of its diasporas” was given by Mr. Abdellah Boussouf, Secretary General of CCME, and he answered questions from Mr. Mustapha Mourabit, CCME’s project manager.
The Book Fair is back this year after a two-year pandemic. It is the first event of international scope with a large public attendance that our country hosts. It is a way of declaring that Morocco has been able to overcome the global health crisis, but above all presenting to the public all that we have achieved over the past two years to remain close to the Moroccan community abroad.
“The distance imposed on us by the pandemic was only physical, we were able to remain close to the Moroccan community as an institution,” explains Mr. Boussouf.
Thanks to the CCME “Awacer” platform, the Council has been able to maintain contact with Moroccans around the world especially during the month of Ramadan through special spiritual guidance in the host countries, has not been able to be close to our communities since the restrictions due to Covid. “We have been able to plan a special Ramadan schedule, for example, in order to accompany them”.
“This accompaniment seems important to us, even if the council is neither an executive nor a media institution, because the young generations of Moroccans in the world are today the target of a cultural and spiritual hegemony exercised by countries that are more present on the foreign cultural scene.
A challenge that is increasingly difficult to meet given the lack of presence of Morocco in social networks at the international level and the mediocrity of the Moroccan cultural offer in host countries. “Having a limited budget, the council could not invest in this field but it is our responsibility to alert the executive parties of the importance of doing so.
For its participation in this year’s Book Fair, the CCME chose the theme “Africa in the light of its diasporas”, because the Moroccan community abroad is first and foremost an African community, anchored in the values of the continent.
It faces, like most African communities in the world, common challenges, namely racism, Islamophobia, rejection motivated by unfounded stereotypes. “If we highlight African culture with all these skills, it is to demonstrate that migration is not a threat but an opportunity for societies, it is an added value for humanity.
The CCME program also includes a “publications” section. In the last two years, the Council has published 36 books on various fields related to migration, such as sociology, youth, gender, etc., which we are presenting to the public at the book fair. “We are certainly not a cultural operator or an executive body, but we consider that the SIEL is a space for debate to meet the public and present our expertise,” said Mr Boussouf.