The conference program of the meeting on “Moroccan Judaism: for a Moroccan sharing” held from 12 to 18 November 2018 in Marrakech fialized its conference on Thursday, November 15.

In an emotional speech, Mr. Abdellah Boussouf, Secretary General of the Council of the Moroccan Community living Abroad (CCME) , said that this gathering reflects his spirit of duty because he has “the responsibility to lead an institution that deals with the Moroccan community of the world including the jewish-moroccan one “.

SG A BoussoufMr. Boussouf said even if it’s not hismission, « the harmony and dialogue between Jews and Muslims has always been a vital issue for the secretary genarl of the CCME “who has been involved in these issues and the peace process for more than thirty years”.

In addition to the ambition to bring together the members of the Moroccan Jewish community in the world, the aim of this meeting was to “understand together that we are driving a ship and decide together whether it will be a shipwrecked Titanic or an ark of Noah “.

To comprehend this “we must dialogue with each other in the bone chair and fight against clichés and stereotypes,” he said adding that “mutual scientific knowledge, passion to explore the spiritual and theological resources of the other and academic knowledge are the only way out to chase away the fear of the other. “

« Morocco engraves in its Constitution all the aspects of our identity and personality, including the Hebrew tributary ». He added » we still he to translate the will of the state in public policies that recognize the Moroccan pluralism, which the Jewish dimension “to prove that” the Moroccan exception is above all not a waffel language but a reality  viscerally related to our identity “.

In response to the proposal of HE Serge Berdugo, the Secretary General of the Council of Israelite Communities of Morocco, to institutionalize this meeting to occur every two years, Mr. Abdellah Boussouf expressed “his willingness to any unifying initiative and said he was devoted  to maintain a permanent contact with all participants in their countries for any constructive project”.

For his part, Mr. Serge Berdugo said in his closing discourse that the “real challenge is not to rehabilitate a cemetery or renovate a synagogue but to preserve them over time.”

“We are happy with this gathering and sad to leave, but we count on your help to maintain the strong ties of our Moroccanity,  which we would like to be more vivid,” he continued.

The Secretary General of the Council of Israelite Communities of Morocco has expressed the wish to institutionalize this meeting and proposes a meeting « every two years under a single space that would build the world gathering of Jews from Morocco”.

Also speaking at this closing session, the Rabbi of Montreal, said he was “refreshed by this meeting” and wished a long life and health to His Majesty King Mohammed VI. In an adress to His Majesty, the Rabbi said  “You deserve the title of Commander of Believers not only for the protective interest you give to our places of worship, but because you gather us together, You are the biblical Abraham of our time”

“Majesty Be proud of your people because they live every day in an indestructible and unique love and living together,” he concluded.

The closing session was attended by several personalities from Morocco and abroad including Mr. Karim Kassi-Lahlou, Wali from the Marrakech-Safi region, governor of the prefecture of Marrakech.


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