In an interview with ” the Bahraini newspaper “Al Bilad” (البلاد) published Sunday, January 28, 2017 Mr Abdellah Boussouf, Secretary General of the Council of the Moroccan Community living Abroad (CCME) said that Moroccans migrating in Arab and Muslim countries is increasing ».
Mr Boussouf spoke about the social issues, specifically the deficiency of social security and pension fund membership.” He added that “the Council is working on a study for a special fund that would grant Moroccans to benefit from social security. “
The Moroccan community abroad has specificities that distinguish it: “a globalized migration” since Moroccans live today in 108 countries around the world. It is also a “young” community, since half of the Moroccans in the world are between 24 and 36 years old. The largest number of this community is settled in France, with 1.5 million people, followed by other European countries such as Spain, Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany.
Mr. Boussouf also explained that the council realizes studies and interviews with the Moroccan community. The goal of the CCME: getting a better idea of its dilemmas in the host counties, study the progression of migration policies in host countries and tries to be a watchdog on social matters and political phenomena such as terrorism.
(Abstract from the interview with the Bahrain BNA Official News Agency)