The study of the Council of the Moroccan Community Abroad (CCME) on “Moroccan immigration in the Balearic Islands” was presented Saturday, February 10, 2018 by Mr. Mustafa Boulharrak Al Idrissi, a Moroccan-Spanish community actor in Mallorca.
Moroccans arethe largest foreign community in the Balearic Islands (24,176), ahead of the 23,666 German censuses and 18,454 people from the United Kingdom. A better knowledge of the Moroccan community living in the Balearic Islands was the goal of this study. It is an analysis of the Moroccan community, its economic and social living conditions and its very dynamic associative life.
Mr. Boulharrak El Idrissi said that in this study, “we tried to synthesize the needs of Moroccans in the Balearic Islands, which are not very different from those of the Moroccan community in Spain, but who are particular to this region: the politicians try to limit their demographic threshold and preserve their natural resources “.
“This approach has been intensified with the economic crisis that has affected Spain followed by the return of immigrants to Morocco in a massive way after the measure of non-renewal of residence permits that affected immigrant populations,” said Mr. Boulharrak.
The associative actor spoke about the lack of support from political authorities, whether in Morocco or Spain.
He said that as “in many Western societies, the economic crisis led to the rise of Islamophobia, extremism and “maurophobia” in the case of Spain.
The study, published in 2016 by the CCME, was conducted by the research team composed of Jaime Bueno Pardo, José Luiz Reina Segura and Mustafa Boulharrak Al Idrissi under the coordination of the working group of the Council “Administration, rights of users and public policies “.