Summoned by the Foreign Affairs Committee in parliament, the Minister of Moroccans living abroad (MRE) Anis Birou presented on 29 June, several statistics on the return of MRE and the summer operation Marhaba. Here are the numbers to remember.

Results of the operation Marhaba 2014

4.4 million: More than 4.4 million MREs came to Morocco during the 2014 Marhaba operation. A figure that is expected to be equaled or surpassed this year according to Anis Birou.

72,000: The number of daily arrivals of MRE for the duration of the operation Marhaba 2014.

20732: The number of vehicles that landed in host ports during the operation.

24,1millions: In dirhams, the amount transferred by the MRE community to Morocco in 2014. 1.3 million more than in 2013.

Measures for Marhaba 2015

150: To join Morocco, overseas Moroccans can count on one of the 150 road networks linking the Kingdom to Europe. These will be provided by 283 buses in 49 Moroccan companies and 92 foreign companies according to Anis Birou.

10: The number of vessels that can carry MRE from Europe to Morocco in the summer of 2015. Given two more than in 2014.

3470: 3470 agents of security forces will ensure customs control and security during the 2015 Marhaba operation. Are included; 2300 officers of the national safety, 500 gendarmes and 670 agents of the auxiliary forces.

500: 500 workers of the Mohammed V Foundation will be responsible for the reception of MRE during the operation Marhaba 2015.

280: The Foundation will ensure the presence of medical staff consisting of 280 individuals that will supervise MRE during the Marhaba operation.

150 million: In dirhams, the budget for the renovation of three host ports: Tanger Med, Tanger Medina and Al Hoceima.

With Telquel

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