A nazi  threatening letter was sent on Thursday, February 25, 2016 to dozens of mosques in the Netherlands. The “authors” of the letter announced that they would soon make a  “visit” to mosques adding : “Islam is an evil religion.”

The Council of Moroccan Mosques in the Netherlands (RMMN) condemned the frightening content of these letters and asked the police to arrest the authors of the neo-Nazi letter. The Council also demanded for a  political action to protect mosques in the Netherlands. “It would be good for the muslims to feel supported and protected in their rights by the Government”, the Council said.
Mr. Lodewijk Asscher, the Minister of Labour and Social Affairs responded in a tweet describing the letter as “intolerant and horrible “and called for the arrest  of the authors of the nazi threatening letter.
Ahmed Marcouch, member of the Dutch Labour Party (PVDA), raised for his part,  this question in Parliament asking about the progress of  the investigation into this serious matter and the security around mosques in the Netherlands.
Source RTL Nieuws (NL)

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