The private visit of HM King Mohammed VI that started in Amsterdam Friday, March 25 2016, sparked many comments in the Dutch press which was  surprised and appreciative to see the King greeted by young Dutch of Moroccans.

The Dutch press, was surprised to see the King of Morocco  walking with ease in the city of Amsterdam, and talker about  of the relaxed and natural side of HM the King. The newspapers spoke of the meetings with the young Dutch Moroccans happy to take pictures with a head of state, away from a priori that the media had the Batavian HM the King.
The Dutch media have also been surprised by the number of young and old Dutch citizens of Moroccan origin, happy to talk and take pictures with HM King away from any protocol. A rare even, event in the  the Kingdom of Oranje.
HM King who has previously had previously met the Moroccans of the world in Russia, during his official visit to Russia, but incognito in other eastern capitals of Europe, was greeted with the same fervor and aroused the admiration of the local media.
Simplicity, humility, and some admiration of the Dutch media unaccustomed to seeing kings, queens and presidents walking in their cities like any common citizen..
The newspaper “Trouw”  insists on the “normalcy” of the King adding “King Mohammed VI wore a colorful winter sweater and walked around late Friday evening in Amsterdam.”
While “Het Parool” reports that dozens of people waited for HM the King, outside of the hotel where he resided during his visit in Amsterdam, before he went  out and “took pictures with the crowd of admirers to whom he offered tea and moroccan cookies”.
“De Telegraaf”, a popular newspaper in the Netherlands, meanwhile, stressed the “normality” and the  “humility” of HM the King, during his  promenade in Amsterdam.
CCME / Dutch press sources

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