The meeting which took place Saturday 15 February 2020 gathered the novelists Mustapha El Hamdaoui (Netherlands) for his book “The…
10h00-12h30Matinée jeunesse• Atelier CCME (éducation et cultures) et théâtre nomade avec Mohammed El Hassouni• L’arganier à palabres : ateliers autour…
A round table was held by the CCME, on friday 14 february 2020 on the theme “Media and the use…
The “literary hour”, of Friday February 14, 2020, was dedicated to two books written by two Moroccan-italian writers. Mrs Chaimaa…
The CCME’s Agora of thursday 13 febuary raised the issue : « Moroccans living abroad and the future : Which…
Morocco’s image in the work of Juan Goytisilo” was the theme of the round table on 13 february 2020. The…
The round table around the theme “the real and phantasmic image of Morocco in Art and Litterature” on February 12,…
Mohammed Saâd Zemmouri, teacher-researcher at the Abdelmalek Essaâdi University of Tetouan, presented his book “Moroccan travelers in Europe: history of…
The Council of the Moroccan Community Abroad (CCME) organized, Tuesday, February 11, 2020 a round table on the “Image of…
The Council of the Moroccan community living abroad ( CCME) organised on Tuesday 11 february 2020, a meeting on the…