« The Moroccans of the world in plural societies » is the theme chosen by the Council of the Moroccan Community Living Abroad…
The European Council of Moroccan Ulema (CEOM) is organizing in partnership with the Council of the Moroccan Community Abroad (CCME),…
The National French railway company was sentenced on appeal on Wednesday, January 31, 2018, for discrimination against 848 Moroccan railway…
The European Council of Moroccan Ulema (CEOM) organized on 30 January 2018 in Paris with the alliance of the “Union of…
HM King Mohammed VI addressed a message on Monday to the 30th African Union Summit, held in Addis Ababa.
In an interview with ” the Bahraini newspaper “Al Bilad” (البلاد) published Sunday, January 28, 2017 Mr Abdellah Boussouf, Secretary…
The Organization of the Maghreb Action and the Council of the Moroccan Community living Abroad (CCME) organize from January 27…
The Council of the Moroccan Community living Abroad (CCME), took part in the first Global Forum on Migration Statistics in…
A delegation of students and researchers from the Francisco de Vitoria University of International Relations and Journalism in Madrid visited…
“Islam and the universal common: tolerance, respect and religious coexistence” (ed Diwan) is currently available in Spanish. In this didactic…