The UNGA appointed on Sunday Morocco to host the intergovernmental conference on international migration in 2018, during which the global…
The Council of the Moroccan Community Living Abroad (CCME) and the Ministry of Moroccans Residing Abroad and Migration Affairs signed,…
The Council of the Moroccan Community Living Abroad (CCME) received Wednesday, December 20, 2017 at the the Council in Rabat,…
Adopted by the United Nations in 2000, the 18 December intends to raise awareness about migrant rights in the world.
Mr. Abdellah Boussouf, Secretary General of the Council of the Moroccan Community living Abroad (CCME), received Friday, December 15, 2017…
The letter of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, as Chairman of the Al Quds Committee, to US President Donald Trump…
HM King Mohammed VI, Chairman of Al Quds Committee, sent a message to president of the United States of America…
The US Mission to the United Nations informed the UN Secretary-General that the country is ending its participation in the…
HM King Mohammed VI sent on Wednesday 29 november 2017, a message to the 5th African Union-European Union Summit in…
The Council of the Moroccan Community living Abroad (CCME) took part to a round table on the « role of Moroccan…