In accordance with the Article 100 of the Moroccan Constitution, the second Chamber holds a meeting on Tuesday, 1 August…
HM King Mohammed VI addressed, on Saturday, a speech to the nation on the occasion of the eighteenth anniversary of…
The return of Morocco to the African Union (AU) and the moroccan sahara issue were, on Saturday 29 July 2017…
The Council of the Moroccan Community Abroad (CCME) received a delegation of Moroccan elected representatives and cultural actors from the city of…
The opening of a photo exhibition of Leila Alaoui, who tragically disappeared in a terror attack in Ouagadougou, took place…
The Council of the Moroccan Community living Abroad (CCME) received on Wednesday, July 19, 2017, 28 leaders of associations of…
The Moroccan Jewish community of the United Kingdom celebrated for the first time, on July 6th 2017, the Mimouna, symbol…
HRH Princess Lalla Meryem took part on Wednesday morning 5th July 2017, in Paris in the national tribute ceremony to Simone Veil,…
The Migrations Network (Migrinter) of the University of Poitiers (France) organized, in collaboration with the National Center for Scientific Research…
Addis-Ababa – HM King Mohammed VI stressed, on Monday in Addis-Ababa, the importance of laying out a common African Vision on…