The Council of the Moroccan Community Living Abroad (CCME) and the Moroccan Association of Calligraphy signed a partnership on Monday,…
HRH Princess Lalla Meryem and French President François Hollande chaired here on Wednesday the opening of the exhibition “Splendours of…
Canadian authorities on Tuesday 21 march 2017 reported a surge of asylum seekers crossing illegally from the U.S. in the…
The French-Moroccan association « Les deux Rives » (Amiens-Picardy) organized recently an exhibition of the book “Moroccans, migrants and travelers”…
The Council of the Moroccan Community living Abroad (CCME) and the French Ministry of Education signed recently a convention in…
There was an outstanding turnout in the Dutch elections which took place on 15 march 2017: 81% of the 12.9…
In this weeks election (NDLR 15 march 2017), voters in Holland have to try and make sense of promises made…
HM King Mohammed VI called on lovers of peace, life and tolerance to rise up against the dissemination of fanaticism…
Some 18,281 applications for regularization of irregular migrants have been filed in Morocco since the launch of the 2nd phase…
Mrs Mina Rhouch is a doctor deeply involved in the spanish civil society, particularly in Sevilla where she lives. Her…