UNSG Antonio Guterres named on Thursday Moroccan Najat Rochdi as Deputy Special Representative for the United Nations Integrated Multidimensional Stabilization…
More than 260 young students of Smara and Saguia Al hamra discovered the exhibition “Moroccans: migrants and travelers” through the…
“Leaders of Europe’s populist right-wing parties, including Geert Wilders (Netherlands), Marine Le Pen (France), Nigel Farage (United Kingdom) and Matteo…
After the desecration of a Jewish cemetery in St. Louis during the last weekend in which more than 150 headstones were…
The French think tank Terra Nova (liberal), released on February 22, 2017, a study on “The Emancipation of Islam in…
Mr. Abdellah Boussouf, Secretary General of the Council of the Moroccan Community Abroad (CCME), met with a delegation of the…
“Security responses alone are no longer enough to manage massive migratory flows in a coherent and concerted manner”, said Mr…
Very few European countries have proven immune to the appeal of right-wing populism. The exception is Spain: despite economic crisis…
Historical personalities from moroccan descent, 80 cards and a game for the youngsters : this is the new didactical challenge of…
Some of the US capital’s finest restaurants are putting their money where their mouths are: shutting down for a day…