The Secretary General of the Council of the Moroccan Community Abroad (CCME), Abdellah Boussouf, met Wednesday in Rabat, with a delegation of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania, to discuss the Moroccan model of migration.
In a statement to MAP news agency, Mr. Boussouf said that the meeting, the third of its kind, aims to exchange the know-how between the two governments and create synergy between the communities of both countries abroad, stressing that it is also a space for reflection in order to shed light on the Moroccan policy on migration.
Mr. Boussouf also said that the two countries are called upon to manage the various challenges facing the members of both communities abroad including racism, Islamophobia and the financial crisis.
The head of the Mauritanian delegation, Coordinator-manager of the Support Program for the National Strategy for Migration Management (PASNGM), Mohamed Abdallahi Ould Zeidane said that the visit is aimed in particular to learn about Morocco’s experience in migration policy.
According to him, this visit aims to study the role of stakeholders in the institutions that manage migration and evaluate appropriate responses developed by Morocco to address this problem.
The Mauritanian delegation is composed of representatives of the Presidency, the Ministries of the Interior and Decentralization, Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, vocational training, employment and modernization of the administration, the National Commissioner for DH and Humanitarian Assistance, Ministry of Social Affairs and Family and the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Development and civil society.