Under the high patronage of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, the city of Oujda will host the 4th edition of the Maghreb Book Fair “Letters from the Maghreb” from 17 to 21 April 2024, under the theme “Writing and Time”.

This regional event is being organized by the “Oriental” Development Agency, in partnership with the Ministry of Youth, Culture and Communication, the Wilaya of the Eastern Region, the Regional Council, the Oujda Municipality, Mohammed Premier University, the Regional Academy of Education and Training, and the Moroccan Foundation for the Promotion of Pre-school Education.

 Mr. Driss El Yazamy, the President of the Council for the Moroccan Community Abroad (CCME), will be taking part in the program for this year’s event, with a speech on Thursday 18 April in tribute to the late Moroccan publisher Abdelkader Retnani, and a round-table discussion on Friday 19 April on the theme of “Diasporas and migrations”, alongside Bado Ndoye (Senegal), Mustapha El Miri (France) and Sophie Bava (France).

Participants in this year’s “Salon Maghrébin” will be discussing a wide range of themes, including “Writing time”, “The time of Islam”, “Diasporas and migrations”, “The digitization” of the world”, “Decolonising the mind to decolonise knowledge”, “What is the use of poetry in times of crisis”, “African literature”, “The short story in the Arab world”, “The novel between language and society”, “The translator as traveller”, and many other subjects.

Poets, philosophers, psychoanalysts, anthropologists and renowned artists from several countries and continents will be giving talks in Amazigh, Arabic and French.

A special area will be devoted to children and young people, and round-table discussions will be held “outside the walls” in several places of the city, in university and educational institutions, and on the premises of the civil prison.


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