They are already known for their talents in their host country, but this year they’re coming back to showcase their talents in Morocco.

They come from Paris, Amsterdam, Brussels, Montreal, Abidjan and Brussels, these 8 comedians will embark on a tour of Morocco from 2 to 12 August 2015 for an original show, both humorous and musical.

Are part of the show; Lupin Lahcen (Morocco / France), OF JAL (Morocco / France / Portugal), Booder (Morocco / France), Mustafa Abdallaoui (Morocco / Belgium), Ahmed Boudrouz (Morocco / Belgium), Ouallas (Morocco / Ivory Coast), Haroun (Morocco / France) and Osama Escobar (Morocco / Belgium).

The organizer, CastQuête Entertainment, had the idea of ​​bringing together these actors for a unique spectacle to promote the talent of overseas Moroccan comedians. Thus, at the end of each show there will be a concert given by Moroccan artists from abroad or local artists.

Nabil Jebbari, producer of the tour explains, “These young Moroccans tackle contemporary issues of Moroccan society with a unique sense of humor and a lot of talent.”

Dates of the 2015 tour:

  • In Marrakesh August 2 at the Royal theatre
  • In Agadir 4 August at theater ‘Verdure”
  • In Casablanca on August 6 at El Amal Complex
  • In Tetouan on August 10 at the Spanish theater
  • In Oujda August 12 at the local theater

Tickets are available for sale online.

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