Rabat –Global publisher and consultancy firm Oxford Business Group (OBG)  will be organizing a retrospective event in Casablanca on November 5th to celebrate the 10th anniversary of its presence in Morocco and the publication of the 10th edition of “The Report: Morocco”.

.The event, held under the theme “Morocco: the decade of change,” will see the participation of key Moroccan figures with the aim of “establishing a balance sheet of this decade of investments in Morocco to anticipate the foundations of the coming 10 years,” said the group in a statement.

Moroccan senior officials will be taking part in the event including Minister of Foreign Affairs Salaheddine Mezouar, the General Director of the National Office of Hydrocarbons and Mines (ONHYM) Amina Benkhadra, the Minister of Industry, Trade, the investment and Digital Economy, Moulay Hafid Elalamy.

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