CEFIR (Centre for Education and Intercultural training) and ACIM, the Agency for Entrepreneurship in the Mediterranean, organize briefings sessions for Maghreb Entrepreneurs.
Maghrib Entrepreneurs is a support system for entrepreneurship dedicated to the Moroccan diaspora living in France and wishing to start a business in Morocco. Maghrib Entrepreneurs aims to select and support 100 projects.
Selection is based on the criteria of economic viability, suitability territory, job creation and skills transfer, the winners will receive a pre-accompaniment provided by France Alife Council and non-financial support to Morocco, for free and personalized, provided by the Foundation Business Creation Group Banque Populaire – FCE and PlaNet Finance.
Maghrib Entrepreneurs is a project funded by the Ministry of Moroccans Living Abroad and Migration Affairs, with support from the French Agency for Development -AFD. The meeting was held Saturday, March 21, 2015 at Morocco’s House Foundation in Paris